Crystal healing - does it really work?
The absolutely honest answer to that is I don't know. There have been no scientific double blind tests conducted that affirm that crystal healing works. The general belief is that if you BELIEVE that crystals can heal you, they will heal you. That belief creates some problems for me. What if I believe completely that a crystal will heal my headache, and I apply it properly, and after a couple of hours my headache is still there, or has gotten worse (as my headaches usually do unless I take a Tylenol to nip it in the bud) what does this mean? Did I not believe enough? Does crystal healing really not work? What about my friend that had a headache, used the same kind of crystal and headache was gone in minutes. Did she believe more than I did? Did the crystal vibrate to her vibrations better than my crystal did to my vibes?
From various sources of information that I have read over time, crystal healing is an uncertain "science". Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Does its working depend on selecting the "right" crystal? Is it only based on luck and belief? Is there more to it than that? I don't know.